The Organised Nurse Newspaper

Organisation for a Student Nurse

Organisation for a Student Nurse

Being a student nurse is no easy feat. Juggling classes, clinical placements, exams, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life can be overwhelming. With a little organisation,...

Organisation for a Student Nurse

Being a student nurse is no easy feat. Juggling classes, clinical placements, exams, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life can be overwhelming. With a little organisation,...

Effective Study Strategies for Student Nurses in 2024

Effective Study Strategies for Student Nurses i...

  Being a student nurse can be both challenging and rewarding. With a demanding curriculum and the need to retain a vast amount of information, it is crucial for student...

Effective Study Strategies for Student Nurses i...

  Being a student nurse can be both challenging and rewarding. With a demanding curriculum and the need to retain a vast amount of information, it is crucial for student...